If you would like CCC to send your tasks' results via email, you must first configure a sending email account in CCC's Email Settings.
- Click Settings in the CCC toolbar.
- Click the Email Settings button in the toolbar of the Settings window.
- Choose from one of the accounts imported from Mail in the Sent From Email popup menu, then verify the details and provide your account credentials in the form that is provided.
- Click the OK button when you are finished entering your account details.
Note for advanced users: If your SMTP server requires SSL and uses a self-signed security certificate, check the Don't validate the certificate chain checkbox. Alternatively, you can add your server's security certificate to the System keychain in the Keychain Access application and explicitly trust that certificate.
[Optional] Modify the email subject and body template
The subject and body of the email that CCC sends upon task completion can be customized. For example, if you want to know which of your Mac's a particular email is coming from, you could customize the subject of the message:
Jon's iMac: ##Task Name##: ##Exit Status##
When CCC sends an email notification, it will replace the template values (enclosed in double # characters) with the attributes of your task, e.g.:
Jon's iMac: Daily Backup: Backup Finished Successfully
Most of the available template values are already present in the default template. You can rearrange the template values and modify the text around them, but do not modify the text inside of the double # characters. If you would like to add a template value:
- Place the cursor where you would like to place the template value, e.g. in the subject or body text field.
- Select a template value from the Template values popup menu.
- Click the Insert button.
When you are finished making changes to your subject and body templates, click on the Save Changes button. This template will be used for all email notifications sent by CCC.
If you have suggestions for additional template values, please let us know!
Send a test email
Click the Send Test Email... button at the bottom of the window. You will be prompted to provide an email address to send the test email to. When CCC indicates that the test email has been sent, check your email to confirm that you can receive it and that the template provides the information you wish to receive when your tasks complete.
Select a notification level in your backup task
Close the Settings window, then select the task to which you would like to add email notifications. Click the Advanced Settings button at the bottom of the window, then select the Postflight tab to reveal the email notification option. There are three notification levels:
- Don't send email: CCC will never send an email when this tasks finishes.
- Send after every run: CCC will send an email at the end of every task (i.e. successful tasks and those that report errors).
- Only send on errors: CCC will send an email only when errors occur for this task.
Select a notification level, then specify the email address(es) that you would like CCC to notify when the task completes. If you would like to have emails sent to multiple addresses, separate those addresses with a comma, or simply press the return key after typing in each address. The recipient text field may only show one address at a time. Use the arrow keys to see each address.
Once you have configured a notification level and recipients, choose Save from CCC's Task menu to save the changes.
Sending email with an SMTP service that requires an App Password
Because CCC sends emails from a background application, possibly when no user is logged in at all, CCC cannot practically support two-factor authentication. Many applications have this same logistical constraint, and most email providers will allow those applications to use the SMTP service, provided that you have created an application-specific password for that purpose. If you attempted to send an email with your Gmail or iCloud account (for example), and you get an error that "the username and password are invalid", or that "authentication failed", you can resolve the problem by creating an App Password.